Patients and their families supporting the MRI Scanner campaign

William - MRi case study  
Natalie’s son Willia
was 7 years old when an MRI scan showed he had a brain tumour. She says: “That fast diagnosis meant William got treated quickly and made the time we had together as happy as possible. It would have been so hard to travel for scans when he was poorly - that’s why a second scanner will make such a difference.”


Kate - MRI case study 

Kate woke up one morning and found she couldn’t speak. She says: “The MRI scan gave me indisputable proof that I’d had a stroke where nothing else could, and gave the doctors what they needed to be able to treat me. That frightening experience changed my life – so I can honestly say that the MRI scanner saved my life”.


Zac - MRI case study  
was told he might never walk again after he broke his neck playing rugby. He says: “I had MRI scans to check my progress while I was confined to my hospital bed. Now I’m back playing rugby and I can't thank the team at Salisbury, and the MRI scanner, enough.”


  Holly - MRI case study

Holly, 11, had MRI scans to find out what was causing her scary fits. She says: “I didn’t like the thought of having the MRI scan, but you don’t complain because you only have it when something goes wrong. Now they think the fits are because of a cluster of blood vessels irritating my brain. I want other children who need to have MRI scans, like children with cancer, to be able to have a scan without having to wait a long time. That’s why I’m supporting this campaign”