Some of the Medical staff supporting the MRI Scanner campaign

  Graham Branagan with MRI sign

 For patients with rectal cancer, a second scanner will significantly speed up the process of identifying the full extent of the disease. That means patients will know whether they need surgery sooner and allow us to start potentially life-saving treatment earlier, with a better chance of ensuring surgery leaves no disease behind.
Mr Graham Branagan, Consultant Surgeon and Chair of the MRI Scanner Campaign


Melissa davies MRI 
“New specialist detailed multi-parametric MRI scans have made prostate cancer diagnosis more accurate and reduced the number of men having unnecessary invasive biopsies.  Previously these specialist scans were only available for a small number of men and were not available in Salisbury. A second MRI scanner will increase the ability of the prostate cancer surgeons to organise these tests closer to home for many more men.  This will allow more accurate diagnosis with less inconvenience to patients at this difficult time.”
Miss Melissa Davies – Consultant Urologist and Clinical Lead for Urology


Tom Jackson MRI
“Some cardiac investigations used to require risky procedures. Cardiac MRI scans avoid the need for these – but they’re not currently available at Salisbury. Having a state-of-the-art second MRI scanner will mean our patients get their cardiac MRI sooner, in a place more convenient to them and we can be sure they get the treatment that’s right for them, faster.”
Dr Tom Jackson – Consultant cardiologist


Rowena Staples MRI  

"Having a second MRI scanner in Salisbury would make a huge difference to local children and their families. Improved access to MRI scans means more rapid diagnosis and treatment or earlier reassurance if the MRI is normal. Children with cancer and other long term conditions have shared care with specialists in other hospitals such as Southampton. Modern technology allows these specialists to view scans performed in Salisbury. A second scanner would mean MRI imaging could be performed locally – avoiding travelling long distances for scans, less time off school and less time off work for parents." Dr Rowena Staples - Consultant Paediatrician 


 Roanne Fiddes MRI

“MRI scans are sometimes used alongside Mammogram and Ultrasound for imaging breasts. They help our breast patients by:

Having a second MRI machine will help our patients requiring this type of investigation to receive a thorough diagnosis as quickly as possible.” 

Miss Roanne Fiddes – Consultant Breast Surgeon 


“I am an Eye Doctor. I often request an MRI Scan when I suspect a problem behind the eyeball, the part that I can’t see myself with my advanced eye equipment. The way I see it, the problem could be anywhere – from the nerve behind the eye to the brain; the cause could be anything – from a simple treatable condition to a brain tumour. The only way that I can see inside the human body and come out with accurate diagnosis is with MRI. Some decisions on the Scans can be life changing for the patient. Waiting for an MRI Scan can cause undue stress and increase the period of uncertainty. And nothing can be worse than this fear of uncertainty, sometimes not even the actual diagnosis. An additional Scanner would be a great asset. It may not change the diagnosis but would give us rapid and more accurate answers to some very difficult and complex problems.”
Dr Rashi Arora – Consultant Ophthalmologist (Medical Retina and Uveitis)

“MRI scans are essential in the field of musculoskeletal medicine. They allow for a relatively non-invasive means of seeing in tremendous detail the bodies’ joints, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. They have revolutionised the diagnosis of hip inflammation and inflammatory back disease. For many years, until MRI scanning became available, patients with “non-radiographic spondyloarthropathy”, a form of severe inflammatory back arthritis that is not seen on plain X-Ray, could not be diagnosed. A second scanner would allow for earlier diagnosis and earlier intervention to relieve back pain.”
Dr Richard Smith – Rheumatology consultant    


“MRI has revolutionised the way we investigate our patients with wide ranging diseases without exposing them to unnecessary radiation.  These include Liver and Pancreatic tumours as well as Crohn’s disease and gallstones. Gastrointestinal Disease is ever increasing and a second scanner would definitely help speed up both diagnosis and treatment for our patients.”

Dr Juliette Loehry – Consultant Gastroenterologist and Lead for Inflammatory Bowel Disease    


 “MRI scans help with my orbital eye patients by helping to diagnose tumours, which may be missed by other types of scans. It can also help to diagnose and monitor thyroid-related eye disease in particular. A second MRI scanner will help to make diagnoses of patients with orbital disease including cancer more quickly and help to plan their treatment as soon as possible.”
Mr Naeem Haq –Consultant Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgeon