Donations instead of gifts

Donate to celebrate ...

If you're celebrating a special occasion, why not ask for donations to the Stars Appeal instead of gifts? Whether it's a birthday, wedding, anniversary, christening or any other occasion, supporting the Stars Appeal can make your day extra special.

Your friends and family will help to make a difference for patients in our hospital. You can support the Stars Appeal generally or a ward or department that has particular significance for you.

Three steps to supporting the Stars Appeal for your special occasion

1. Contact us and let us know your plans. We can provide posters, leaflets, collection boxes and donation forms to use with your guests, and logos and wording that you can put into your invitations, emails and letters.

    2. Offer your friends a choice of ways to donate:

      3. Include all the details of the fund you are supporting and your reasons, plus how to donate and your website address, in your invitations, letters and emails.

      After your event

      Collect cash and cheques together after the event and send to us here at: The Stars Appeal, Salisbury District Hospital, SP2 8BJ using our donation form

      We will write back to you with a Certificate acknowledging the contribution that you, your family and friends have made to the Stars Appeal in celebration of your special occasion.